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Showing posts from April, 2021

Crystal Atlantis - Medicine Woman, Therapist and Teacher S1 E8 (podcast)

It was lovely to talk to Crystal today about all things healing, shamanic, spiritual.  As Crystal said at the end of the podcast everyone has had such a tough time, we could all do with some healing.  Be it with a counselor,  a healing therapist like herself or just taking time to earth ourselves, slow down and spend time in nature.    

Vin Harrop - Arts Animateur - All Round Mover and Shaker S1 E7 (podcast)

Vin Harrop calls himself an Arts Animateur because his work encompassed theatre, dance, architecture, all-media, music, local history and the things that mostly interest  him. Listen to our podcast here, which incidentally is Season 1 Episode 7.

James Nason - Basildon Borough History Website (updated)

James Nason is the man behind the fabulous website: , he also volunteers as a webmaster and researcher for the Basildon Borough Heritage Group .  He's accused me of stalking him as I keep coming up with info about him that he hasn't told me, I've just got my stalker, no eh hmm, researcher hat on.  The Radion Project was also mentioned.