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Radion Project

I was asked to contribute towards the Radion Project by choosing a piece of heritage that I think should be celebrated.  I decided to choose a picture of the building at East Square before the work on the new cinema started as it is often the case in local history books that you see the past and present picture and it's good to see what was there before.  As it says on the Radion website:

"A broad range of archival and present day photographs have been selected to create a panoramic visual depicting an alternative skyline of Basildon's heritage past and present from a chronological perspective."

This will be one of two panoramic images that will be displayed on a lenticular screen as part of the new cinema in Basildon.

I have also been asked to do a small audio piece that will add to a local guided tour of each piece of heritage included on the design, this will be accessed by a QR code.

If you're like me and can miss the subtleties of a website, when you go onto the Radion Project page of the website: you are meant to click on one of the various diamond shapes.  If you click on the green one it will tell you in detail about the heritage part of the project.

The other side of the lenticular screen has involved ten local primary schools.  More can be found out about that here.

I was among many people who contributed to the heritage part of the project.  All the people listed here contributed:-

Ken Porter and Jo Cullen from Basildon Heritage

James Nason from Basildon History Group

Vin Harrop

Lisa Horner

Zelda Jeffers

Roy Davis

Christine Townley

Alan Cox

Matt Kirby

Dave Bourner

Denise Rowling

Eric Lamb

Wendy Bedwell

Tom King

Laura Whiting

Emma Palmer

Peter Hayden - Laindon Picture Theatre

Geraldine Evans - The Barge Inn

Richard Feldwick - St Catherines Church, Wickford

Jane Richards - Basildon Holy Cross

Megan Mitchell - All Saints Church, Vange

Michael Hall - Great Burstead Church

Simon Law - St Peters Church, Nevendon, Chalvedon Hall, Cromwell Manor

Tony Quelch - The Forge, Dunton, The Chequers Billericay, The Shepherd + Dog at Ramsden Crays

Graham Jones - The church at Gun Hill

Liz Keeble - Vange Primary School

John Seager - Tin Tabernacle, Bells Hill Vange

Dave Marshall - Manor Mission Church, Manor Road, Laindon.  The Gun Inn 

Daniel Kelly - St Basils Church

Colin Goodwin - Beehive/Colours, New Holland Tractor Plant, The Onion

Wendy Taylor

Maggie Viney - Basildon Community Resource Centre

Abigail Mills - Festive Leisure

Dean Chapple - Dave Chapple Sculptures

Roger Hobson - Basildon Bell Tower Captain

Shaun Beagle - Bas Sporting Village

Stephen Newman - Wickford War Memorial

Robert Koenig - After the uprising

Sarah Munton - St Lukes Hospice

and others to be named soon.


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