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All About the Books!

Juggling three books and an audio book

At the moment I am reading Tom King's Thames Estuary Trail, the original version and peeking into Sylvia Kent's Folklore of Essex, that will be my next read.  I've also got Jim Reeves book, Memories of Basildon lined up for after Sylvia's book.  As well as this, whenever I get the chance I am listening to A Life on Our Planet by David Attenborough on Audible.  He narrates it, which makes it very real and sometimes it really gets to me how our planet has gone downhill in his lifetime.  I think reading Tom King's witty, laugh-out-loud book that has inspired the Estuary Festival creates a good balance and stops me getting too down.  The second edition can be purchased here.  By the way I noticed that fellow history author, Sylvia Kent has reached her 400,000th viewer of her blog that has been going since 2005/6 which is amazing!  She wrote a post about it, I would too!  If you're wondering, this blog has had 15,569 viewers and has been going since October 2019.  Not bad really!

This is my review for Tom's first edition: - 


I've noticed that Lost Basildon is selling at the competitive price of £10.49 on and the star ratings are good on both books, although 20 people have left a rating on the latest book compared with six on the Basildon Through Time.  Basildon Through Time can be bought for the slightly cheaper price of £13.49 on Amberley Publishing's website.

But these are not the only websites you can buy both books on, there are many and varied websites and there is also eBay too.  You've just got to Google the books name.  I'd say that Amazon and Amberley are trustworthy sources though. 


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