I have just updated the blog on my author website and have realised that I keep choosing the same dress when I'm metaphorically wearing my author hat https://lisajanehorner.wixsite.com/lisahornerauthor/blog. Note to self, wear a different dress next time!
It was the Radion launch today, particularly for the lenticular screen, very recently the audio tour had been added which you access by scanning a QR code. More info can be found at https://radionproject.com/.
The Mayor was there, plus a few of us who had chosen buildings on one side of the lenticular screen and talked about those buildings on the audio tour. Also, the schools were visiting, many schools in the area had done projects to do with nature in the area and had made leaf rubbings. You can find out about that particular part of the project here.
The lenticular screen, the Heritage side |
The children's Nature side of the lenticular screen |
Information and QR codes. |
I'm with Ken Porter, Chairman of Basildon Heritage https://www.lisajhorner.com/ |